Display options

Display options allow you to change in which format you want to see time throughout the app, as well as showing or hiding weekends. Display options are a personal preference and will be applied to the status bar, timesheets, item view and the approval page.

Supported time formats are:

  • Hours/minutes (10h 30m, default option)

  • Days/hours/minutes (1d 2h 30m, 1 day = 8 hours)

  • Hours decimal (10.5)

  • Days decimal (1.32)

Change display options

  1. Click on Settings in the top right of the Tracket menu.

  2. Click on Preferences and look for Display options.

  3. Under Time format, select which format you prefer.

  4. Use the toggle to show or hide weekends.

  5. Click on Save changes.


Hiding weekends is a visual setting, meaning that time entries created for weekends do not get deleted. The total time will stay the same.

Last updated