Time entry template

Customizing your time entries can be done using the time entry template. This will allow you to decide which data you're interested in. Custom fields make it more custom and detailed, helping you store all important and specific info in one time entry. The template can be changed by monday.com admins by going to Time management in the App settings.

Changes made to the template will apply from that moment on. If, for example, a category has been made required, all new time entries, as well as when you edit a time entry, must contain a category. Keep in mind that this can disable functionalities such as bulk actions, depending on the changes that have been made.


A time entry consists of several fields. There are build-in fields, such as a monday.com item or the date, that every time entry contains. Some of these fields are required by default, other's you can change. Furthermore, you can add your own custom fields with custom options.

The template contains the following columns:

  • field name - the name of the time entry field,

  • required - whether the field must be filled in (when possible),

  • API reference - the field's label used in the API, Learn more about the API ➜

  • actions button (certain fields only) - actions to alter the field's configuration.

Edit the template

Make a field (not) required

  1. Find the field you want to alter.

  2. Under Required, click on the checkbox to toggle whether a field should be required or not.


Making a field required means that it must be filled in when possible. Keep the following in mind when making these fields required:

  • subitem - only when the selected monday.com item has one or multiple subitems,

  • category - only when there is at least one category configured,

  • billable hours - only when a billable category is selected.

Edit categories

Categories have their own section on the settings page. Learn more about configuring categories ➜

Edit custom fields

Custom fields require their own setup. Learn more about configuring custom fields ➜

Last updated