Git providers

Multiple widely used Git providers are support. The SaaS editions of the following providers are preconfigured.

  • Azure DevOps

  • Bitbucket

  • GitHub

  • GitLab

URLs starting with,, an are recognized and resolved without extra configuration.

Self managed

To recognize and resolve URLs from self managed environment, extra configuration is needed.

  • Login as an Administrator in Confluence

  • Go to Settings (top right)

  • Find Git for Confluence Administration in the menu on the left

  • Add a Self managed provider

Currently the following self managed provider is supported:

  • GitLab (14.4 minimum required version)

If you want to include git resources from other providers or or other self managed environments, please reach out to us.

If access to your self managed Git requires whitelisting, you can use the static ip that our app is using for egress traffic. The static ip is currently

Last updated